Club Penguin Submarine Party

The Submarine Party is here!!!

Its Reeally Really cool,

The new pin is an anchor pin,It moves from the white stones in the water to the other ones,Its at the cove by the way..


A free item is a seashell belt which is located in the Book Room,


The Yellow Snorkle another free item


My favorite room is the ‘Coffee Shop’


 Theres also a poll at the iceberg to choose the name of gary the gadgets new gadget…

The choices are…

Deep Sea Salvage

Aqua Grabber

Depth Diver


Plank O Wood..

~ by clubpenguinchaet on February 15, 2008.

15 Responses to “Club Penguin Submarine Party”

  1. Yay!!!!! First comment baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BTW i like the night club

  2. Yo!
    Firs comment baby!!!!!!
    BTW i vote for Deep Sea Salvage

  3. […] clubpenguinchaet wrote an interesting post today on Club Penguin Submarine PartyHere’s a quick excerptThe Submarine Party is here!!! Its Reeally Really cool,. The new pin is an anchor pin,It moves from the white stones in the water to the other ones,Its at the cove by the way.. anchor.jpg. A free item is a seashell belt which is located … […]

  4. LoL
    i voted Agua Grabber 🙂

  5. ME TO



  8. I chose aqua grabber!!!!!

  9. Hey all you clubpenguin lovers. I am so sad cause my family can barely afford a piece of bread for me each day, I really want to be a member but my parents will not let me causr they can’t afford anough for me to live, so i am so sad. Love the new party. All you people who r a member are so lucky 1 cause you are member and 2nd you live in a home with a heater not your dad. Thank you.

  10. you guys are so lucky that you are members casue my family, we can’t even afford a piece of bread. I live in a box and i use the library computer. I cry every night for warmth as i lay on the sidewalk and i want you to know that you are so lucky to have great lives. God bless you and pray fro me.

    Your friend The saddest and unluckiest penguin and person on earth littlebigjob

  11. I also love the p-a-r-t-y baby.

  12. yo i feel bad for that sosad, i can’t believe they live in a box, how stupid, i would not like to be her and they use the library computer, what loosers,hahaha. Post back i love the sub party on club penguin. Yo i want to meet you steven.

  13. Hey everyone i just got back from Europe and i met Miley cyrus, so cool right and i got to meet the jonas bros and im going out with joe now, so cool right post back i got there autographs


  14. Hey!
    If any of you want to meet me Im most likely gonna be on caribou 😀


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